Our Place Savings service has been incredibly successful this year!
Here are some of the most successful metrics we’ve achieved since the start of 2022:
Identified over £250,000 in energy savings for businesses in North Notts BID
Identified over £18,000 in savings for a local business in Southport BID
Saved a business £5,000 on their water bills in Haringey
Found additional savings of over £15,500 for a night-time economy business in Southampton BID
Identified £19,000 in business savings for local cinema in YourActon BID
Our FREE savings service will now be launched in Orpington on WED 01 JUNE 2022!
With how successful our Place Savings service has been, we are incredibly excited to establish a partnership with Orpington BID and offer this service to local businesses operating in Orpington!
This savings service is designed to help local businesses around the UK make better financial decisions which would enable them to make significant savings in the following areas:
We understand how the cost of living crisis has negatively affected both UK households and businesses and with this service, we want to work with businesses of each and every size to identify and realise savings.
Our place support team is made up of high street and industry professionals who are committed to helping you expand your business by lowering your operating costs. Our main goal is to see that the following things happen in your business:
Increase cash flow
Increase profits
become more cost-effective
become more sustainable
If you’re interested in this service, please get in touch now at savings@placesupportpartnership.com. Or simply call us on 03330 156 289
Let’s keep saving!
For more information on our Place Savings service, click here.
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